Music Education Reimagined
Reinvigorating music education using technology and today’s pop music and its brightest stars.

Beginner friendly
Students discover how the song came to be, from first inspiration through recording without learning music theory.
the Song
Learn the ins and outs of the song, from what the artist was thinking to the final recording.

Artist Interviews
Learn the artist's inspiration for creating the song.
Creative Starting Points
Songs start from many different inspirations. We let the artists explain their process.
Deconstructing the song
Each song is deconstructed into individual parts - making the process of learning how to build a song simple.

Interactive mixer
The Tunimixer gives students the ability to listen, blend and study how the song's instruments work together.
Variable speed player
Students start slow and build to the song’s original tempo as they practice each part with our interactive Tuniplayer.
Reconstructing the Song
Students follow step-by-step instructions to re-record the song in GarageBand, while gaining the skills needed to produce their own music.

Multiple Learning Styles
Step by step instructions taught through text, graphics, and video.
No Instruments Needed
With our book, iOS device*, and headphones with a microphone students can recreate their own version of the song.
Digital Audio Recording
GarageBand sessions are used to teach digital music production techniques.
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